A Working Capital Loan provides your practice the cash it needs to keep growing until you can cover all operating expenses out of revenue. Even in this tough credit environment, 1st Med Financial is the premier source of working capital for professional practitioners. A Working Capital Loan is the perfect program for the practitioner that needs cash quick. A very popular option, the Working Capital Program gives you the flexibility to use the funds when and where you need them most.
A Working Capital can be used for the following:
In order for your practice to meet the eligibility requirements for a Working Captial Loan, the Loan-To-Value ratio must be below 85% with sufficient debt service coverate ratio. This means that the cash flow from the practice should be able to cover the practice debt needs as well as the doctors personal debt needs.
Quick Quote!
Program Highlights
Use of Proceeds
- Working Capital - up to $500K
- Working Capital
- SBA Express Loan Up To $350K
- 5, 7, & 10 Year Terms
- Intereste Rates from Prime + 2.75%
Loan Proposal Issued In 24-48 Hours Guaranteed!
At 1st Med Financial, we pride ourselves on guiding each client through the often challenging and confusing process of Dental Practice Financing. Our Dental Practice Loan Specialists have over 35 years of combined lending experience and will work with you to evaluate the financial feasibility of the opportunity you are considering.
To speak with one of our practice financing specialists and learn more about the Working Capital Loan program, call us TOLL FREE at 800-318-7125 or click here to get started online.
What Our Clients Have To Say
“First, let me take a minute to say Thank You! The time and effort you and your team took to get me the financing I needed for my buy-out, acquisition and consolidation was, to say the least, beyond awesome. I was treated by everyone as if we were long lost best friends.
Through the entire process, it felt as though getting this done was a personal task....not a job. Embarrassingly enough, I had come to you once, but decided to go to my bank "because they knew me". They were terrible, to put it nicely.
Bottom line, I'm where I am today with my practice because of you.”
Dr. Chris Coplin, DMD